Home Birth
Current research shows that a planned home birth for a low risk healthy well woman, with one baby is a safe choice and is less likely to result in unnecessary medical intervention.
If you choose to birth at home, your midwife will be with you throughout your labour and will provide clinical care and support including monitoring the wellbeing of you and your baby.
At Coast Life Midwifery we believe the safety of you and your baby is paramount and at the birth a second midwife, who you will have met at our clinic will also attend. Your midwife will have also discussed with you in your pregnancy, all of the necessary equipment that is needed to ensure a safe birthing environment, she will bring this equipment to your birth.
Following the birth of your baby, your midwife will ensure that you and your baby are well, including providing support during the early hours of transition after the birth ‘baby moon’ time. This special time includes delayed cord clamping, skin to skin and the first breastfeed.

Hospital Birth

Water Birth
Coast Life Midwifery midwives are all highly experienced to support women choosing water immersion and water birth, and this option is available for both hospital and home births.
We have several portable birth pools available for women. The Sunshine Coast University Hospital also has birth pools available in most birthing rooms!