Personalised Pregnancy and Postnatal care with midwives you know and trust
Welcome to CLM Pregnancy and Postnatal service. This service offers you access to the care and support you need before and after the birth of your baby. It sets the tone for your journey into motherhood, based on the premise that women are strong, capable, and intricately designed to grow and birth their babies.
The benefits of continuity of care for women and babies are numerous and well documented in the literature. Coast Life midwives are caring and experienced, working holistically in partnership with you and your family to build supportive and informative connections and relationships.
Your midwife will coordinate your whole continuity experience and you will get to know and meet your midwife’s partner for antenatal checks during your pregnancy. Your midwives support each other for any emergent, scheduled leave or monthly weekend off so you will always have access to timely care and support.

Antenatal Care

- Comprehensive booking appointment and referral to a hospital of your choice.
- Minimum of 8 x 45min antenatal appointments at the Coast Life Midwifery practice including your full pregnancy and wellbeing check, ordering and interpreting blood tests and ultrasounds and providing individualized education and resources.
- Maternity Care Plan (MCP) and birth preparation visit (approx. 90 mins.) This includes an antenatal appointment in addition to developing a birth plan and discussion around birthing choices and postnatal care
- On those few occasions when complications arise, our professional midwives collaborate closely with other expert practitioners to continue to provide holistic midwifery continuity of care.
- Your midwife will be your primary carer for pregnancy and will work collaboratively with a range of hospitals and practitioners. While your midwife will not be with you for your birth, you will be able to contact her for support and guidance during this time.
Postnatal Care
- Up to 3 - 5 x postnatal home visits within a 40km radius of the practice, unlimited postnatal visits at the practice or video calls as needed until your baby is 6 weeks old.
- Birth debriefing
- Access to a Lactation Consultant in pregnancy and the postnatal period if required.
- Referrals to specialists and/or community health organizations
- Week 1 & Week 4 check up for mother and baby by your Midwife or our Neonatal Nurse Practitioner.

Included Extras
- Group antenatal sessions facilitated by your midwives throughout your pregnancy. These 6 sessions give you the opportunity to connect with other pregnant women, share information, meet the CLM team and continue building your ‘village’ of support.
- Evening breastfeeding information sessions with one of our Lactation Consultants. Partners are encouraged to attend.
- The Birth Circle all day group education sessions facilitated by your midwives. The day covers labour, birth and early parenting days and is designed to include your partner.
- Group Reunion - The team at Coast Life Midwifery will invite you and your baby to attend your group reunion. This allows you to reconnect with the women from your group education sessions and for your new babies to meet.