Standard and deluxe packs are available and can be tailored to meet your needs as a new mother.
Following the birth of your baby there are many new skills to be mastered and emotional changes to be understood. Breast-feeding, lack of sleep, and the responsibility of caring for a new baby are just a few of the challenges you will be looking toward.
We understand post birth is both a rewarding and demanding time for any woman. We provide you with access to real and practical support, whether that be in the clinic or in the home.
Our support includes:
- Postnatal home visits (Sunshine Coast Practice area);
- Unlimited postnatal clinic visits from birth to six weeks;
- Birth debriefing;
- On-call midwife available 24 hours;
- Lactation consultations as required.
At Coast Life Midwifery we are passionate about post birth care. Our care is centred on you feeling great and embracing your new self with your new addition.